Month: July 2018

  • Who does learning style debunking serve?

    > individual learning differences can function to intensify and amplify the underlying economic and racial inequities in education. If a bright child from an affluent family doesn’t learn well in a traditional classroom –– and make no mistake, many don’t –– his parents have the option to place him in a private alternative educational setting (including…

  • The Take

    > The take is, like Twitter itself, more of a symptom of a neoliberal order in which precarious employment and minimal labor protections make hyperspeed, competitive take-having a professional necessity. No one in their right mind and with job security would be up at 11 pm writing an essay about something that happened at the…

  • Open Offices Make You Less Open

    > Contrary to what’s predicted by the sociological literature, the 52 participants studied spent 72% less time interacting face-to-face after the shift to an open office layout. To make these numbers concrete: In the 15 days before the office redesign, participants accumulated an average of around 5.8 hours of face-to-face interaction per person per day.…
