Category: Uncategorized

  • Organizing Events for Students

    > Provide some, but not too much seating. Provide a place to put coats and bags. Have tables for the food and drinks. Don’t forget trash cans. [source](

  • Leashing Creativity

    > The problem arises when we ask for predictable results in an unpredictable environment, having handicapped the very smart people who are best able to minimize the problems that arise out of unforeseen circumstances while maximizing the benefits of unforeseen opportunities. There is no knowledge work I know of that has more frequent and dramatic…

  • Friction-Free Racism

    > The end game of a surveillance society, from the perspective of those being watched, is to be subjected to whims of black-boxed code extended to the navigation of spaces, which are systematically stripped of important social and cultural clues. The personalized surveillance tech, meanwhile, will not make people less racist; it will make them…

  • Virtual Team Collaboratation

    > In conclusion, characteristics of successful collaboration in virtual teams were: 1) consistent communication through multiple channels, 2) adjusted workload based on member needs, 3) ongoing explicit discussion of the workflow and/or a strong leader organizing the group process and task division, 4) acceptance of different abilities and skillsets of members, and 5) stimulation and…

  • Systemic Teaching

    > Systems do not work in teaching ( I’ll give you a moment to digest that casual bombshell). They work for behaviour management, but even here I think idiosyncratic systems work in classes with individual teachers best. However, school wide systems for teaching and learning never work as intended. Why? Humanity. I have worked in…

  • Don’t Get Left Behind!

    > “Technology is changing faster than ever.” It makes for a nice sound bite, to be sure. It might feel true. (It’s probably felt true at every moment in time.) And surely it’s a good rhetorical hook to hang other directives upon: “you simply must buy this new shiny thing today because if you don’t…

  • Football or Math?

    > If he hadn’t been an elite athlete, nobody would have been monitoring his academic progress month by month. He might have gone through college as he had high school, quietly excelling and thereby never drawing any special notice. [source](

  • Email>LMS?

    > People wrote more and stuck around longer for email than for the online course software. That says nothing about the quality of their responses, just the quantity. It says nothing about the degree to which participants in either medium were building on each other’s ideas rather than simply speaking their own truth into the…

  • Decentralization and Network Effects

    > While the internet economy has been dominated by services that leverage network effects to date, this directive is one way that monolithic networks have changed from an asset into a liability. Because the cumulative value in a network is owned by a single party, that party becomes subject to enormous rules and regulations over time.…

  • Heuristic First and Think Second

    > …rather than asking people to use individual thinking about dozens of factors around an issue weighted with careful precision, what Gigerinzer calls “positive risk” cultures do is decide the acceptable level of risk for a given endeavor, then work together to design simple procedures and heuristics that if followed encode the best insights of the…
