Category: Uncategorized

  • Race is a social construct

    > Now, how can the “race realists” account for the lack of a racial gap between cognitive abilities in children at 8 to 12 months, and the presence of a large gap at 3? Am I to believe that their genome changed that much in 24-28 months? Or is there a much more plausible explanation…

  • Racism and Free Speech

    > “When people make appeals to democratic principles — like ‘freedom of speech’ — they don’t always represent a genuine interest in that principle,” White said. “We think of principles as ideas we use to guide behavior in our everyday lives. Our data show something different — that we tend to make up our mind…

  • Academic Mobility

    > The fact of the matter is, mobility is necessarily antagonistic to equality. Every student who moves up pushes another one down. These values are in direct tension, and yet no one seems to pause for a moment and really critically evaluate what we’re asking for. If your interest is in promoting equality then you should agitate against mobility,…

  • Student Evaluations of Teaching Don’t Measure Effectiveness

    > We find substantial variation in student performance across instructors, both in the instructor’s class and in a subsequent class. Differences are substantial in both online and in-person courses, though they are larger for in-person classes. Notably, instructor effects on students’ future course performance are not significantly correlated with student end-of-course evaluations, the primary metric…

  • VR Empathy as Appropriation

    > > I don’t use the “A-word” lightly, but I think this is such a bad look for VR culture that we must deploy the white liberal kryptonite immediately: VR empathy machines are just VR Appropriation machines. They are fundamentally about mining the experiences of suffering people to enrich the self-image of VR users… or,…

  • Guided Pathways

    > Advocates of pathways at Arapahoe changed minds by assembling faculty members around a table with a stack of anonymized transcripts from students who had dropped out. The professors were asked to find a path to graduation for those students. “They were shocked at the courses they had taken,” Ms. Edwards said, and understood the…

  • Ostrom’s Refutation of Tragedy of the Commons

    > groups are capable of avoiding the tragedy of the commons without requiring top-down regulation, at least if certain conditions are met (Ostrom 1990, 2010). She summarized the conditions in the form of eight core design principles: 1) Clearly defined boundaries; 2) Proportional equivalence between benefits and costs; 3) Collective choice arrangements; 4) Monitoring; 5)…

  • Automation is Driven by Humans in Power

    > Robots don’t apply for jobs. Robots don’t “come for jobs.” Rather, business owners opt to automate rather than employ people. [source](

  • The Problem With Facts

    > a simple untruth can beat off a complicated set of facts simply by being easier to understand and remember. [source](

  • Less Communication Can Be Better

    > As a distributed algorithm theorist, in other words, when I encounter a typical knowledge economy office, with its hive mind buzz of constant unstructured conversation, I don’t see a super-connected, fast-moving and agile organization — I instead see a poorly designed distributed system. [source](
