> I have spoken to a lot of students and teachers about the homework problem. Many of the best teachers either don’t count homework toward the course grade or count it just a little—enough to communicate to the students that the homework matters, but not enough to trigger the what’s-the-minimum-I-have-to-do calculation. They use the grade as just one tool in an overall strategy designed to help students see that the “what” questions they are learning to answer in their homework are relevant to the far more interesting “why” questions about which the teachers are passionate and would like their students to become passionate about too. They pose mysteries at the end of class that the students can only solve with the knowledge they can from doing the homework. Or they have little verbal in-class quizzes to keep the students on their toes, in the context of a discussion of how the tidbit in the verbal quiz matters to the larger topic being discussed. [source](http://mfeldstein.com/what-homework-and-adaptive-platforms-are-and-arent-good-for/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+mfeldstein%2Ffeed+%28e-Literate%29)
For more commentary on how students can need lots of context and support to use these tools well, especially if closing achievement gaps is the goal, see [[Learning Adaptive Learning]]