Hospitable HyFlex

> The key to ensuring you can be equitably hospitable to your virtual students, so they are not second-class citizens, is to have one person sitting in the class who is responsible for ensuring virtual folks can hear, are connected, can speak (this onsite buddy can be a TA or a volunteer student, on rotation?). You also need a virtual buddy responsible for virtual students, ensuring they’re connected, and that person needs to be connecting/communicating with the onsite buddy. You need this so the teacher can focus on teaching, as these logistics can be distracting. The virtual or onsite buddy may need to get a small amount of digital literacies preparation so they can manage things like breakout rooms if needed. You don’t need both to be very tech savvy, but maybe one at least.If ppl have TAs they’re probably already doing this, but if they don’t have them, do you think students would be willing to volunteer to do this once or twice a semester? [source](https://blog.mahabali.me/educational-technology-2/what-hyflex-livestream-models-can-learn-from-vconnecting/)

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