Author: anderhaff

  • Cop Shit

    > Like any product, cop shit claims to solve a problem. We might express that problem like this: the work of managing a classroom, at all its levels, is increasingly complex and fraught, full of poorly defined standards, distractions to our students’ attentions, and new opportunities for grift. Cop shit, so cop shit argues, solves…

  • Task Boards

    > These tasks boards also make it difficult to escape exactly how much you’re asking someone to do. It’s easy to shoot off a dozen emailed requests to a colleague throughout a busy day without thinking much about it. But when you instead see each card piled on top of another in that person’s column…

  • Considerate Language is Replaying a Debt

    > Remember that minorities are CONSTANTLY self-censoring in order not to offend the dominant majority with their anger and resentment and they are constantly speaking the language of the dominant in order to be HEARD at all! [source](

  • Individual shaming vs structural change

    > The role of suffering and confession. What draws me to Fieyu Sun’s work is his analysis of the role suffering and confession play in reinforcing social hierarchy that is linked to the individual destruction of opponents. The CCP example mirrors the current practices of online shaming and call-out culture. We see the same outrage,…

  • Create Clarity

    > As a product manager, constantly think about how you can create clarity for your team: Clearer product requirements, resolving edge cases, answering questions, etc. [source](

  • Decolonizing Time

    > Giving people equal time is not necessarily equitable. Non-native speakers and very reflective people may need more time to convey a particular point. Stories that are not familiar and go against dominant discourses need more room/time/care to be understood well. And on top of all of that, if you think of privileging voices by…

  • Discriminatory Design

    > Proctorio says that their tests don’t discriminate against students with disabilities because an instructor can make changes to the test settings or turn them off. This sidesteps the fact that they built test settings that can discriminate against certain students in the first place. This is like a car company building a feature that…

  • Distance Instruction in Quarantine

    > Due to a polio outbreak in the fall of 1937, the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) decided to postpone the start of the school year. As school buildings were shuttered, the district turned to the radio to replace classroom instruction. [source](

  • Interpretation and Intent in Communication

    > As we go up from perception to appropriation, the filmmaker’s control wanes and the viewer’s control increases. Spielberg structures Raiders of the Lost Ark the way he wants, but you can appropriate his movie as a piece of imperialist ideology and he can’t do a damn thing about it. In the middle, it’s a…

  • Predicting Human Behavior

    > One of the weird things about humans is that we most want to be told what will happen next at the exact moment when the future is uncertain because the outcome depends upon decisions we have yet to make. Most of the time, the future is predictable partly because there isn’t a lot we…
