> The privilege of creating OERs is often not afforded to people who represent or work with marginalized students which can lead to an under-representation of resources that address the needs of those students. Think back to MOOCS–massive open online courses–think about who the top MOOC providers were. They weren’t community colleges, who have a broad access mandate and who serve incredibly diverse populations. They weren’t, by and large, institutions outside of the US, or outside of the global north. They were mostly elite institutions, with resources to create and push out branded content. We have similar issues with Open Educational Resources: they are by and large produced and distributed by individuals and institutions who don’t represent or perhaps consider in their designs a diversity of learners, and diverse forms of knowing and knowledge. [source](http://redpincushion.us/blog/teaching-and-learning/what-about-those-love-locks-an-invitation-to-explore-the-messiness-of-open-education/)